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Dance Pad Games Pc

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As we approach a new year (and a new decade), we would like to provide an update on what has been going on behind the scenes.
Development efforts are currently being focused on a new, major release known as 5.3 'OutFox'. It is a continuation of the existing 5.1/'5.1-new' branch by a new development team known as Team Rizu - which features a mix of community veterans and other prominent members of the StepMania community. One of our major goals is to reunite and rejuvenate the StepMania community as a whole, no matter what you play or how you play.
Right now, our focus has been on refactoring StepMania's codebase to adhere to modern coding practices, in preparation for more larger improvements and features that we plan to add in the future (including but not limited to a revamped graphics engine, redesigned online functionality, and improvements to our support for new and existing game types beyond the standard dance game modes). We have received endorsements from the existing development team, and will be releasing the source code for 5.3 to a main StepMania source repository under the Apache License as we approach our final release.
We released our first public alpha build two weeks ago on December 13, 2019. So far, some of the main highlights of this build in comparison to 5.1 beta include:
Ongoing refactoring and modernization of code, which help the engine run smoother and more consistently than previous versions, while remaining backwards compatible with existing content for 5.0.12 and 5.1 beta.
• Support for the latest versions of macOS.
• Updated Lua library to Lua 5.3.5
Theme modules for adding features to themes. Unlike Scripts (which are loaded globally on each screen), they are only loaded and called when needed,. Reducing the number of global scripts in a theme can help improve performance.
AMod, a BPM-based scroll speed modifier based on the average BPM of a song.
User-selectable timing window presets, including presets with support up to 10 distinct judgments as opposed to just 5.
• Modules for judgment font and Toasty selection from the player options menu.
Global noteskins usable across any game type.
More PlayerOptions modifiers: in comparison to the popular fork NotITG V3, we have approached feature parity, barring certain advanced features such as GL shader actors and additional notefields (we are currently investigating solutions).
• A new default theme that brings together these new features and more.
Team Rizu maintains a development blog at Under its auspices, the group also operates a community Discord server for StepMania users, with a particular focus on discussions relating to the 5.3 builds.
More details and download links for the first public alpha build can be found here
While we're here, we would like to take a moment to thank everyone who has worked on StepMania over the years, past and present, as well as the players who are helping keep the community thriving. Exciting times are ahead, and this is only the beginning.
  1. Nintendo Dance Pad
  2. Ddr Pad For Pc

DDR Dance Pads for PC Now you can turn your PC into a dancing machine with Dance Dance Revolution dance pads for the PC. Choose from songs that praise God and bless His holy name in Dance Praise and Dance Praise 2: the Remix, to strictly dance songs available on Stepmania Complete, you will find plenty of songs to put your feet to work!

Last edited: 27 December 2019 4:58pm

Tutorial Maker and Let's Player
Posts: 34
Joined: Jul 2014

Nintendo Dance Pad

Some people are having a problem where their pad shows up as a pov switch instead of analog joystick. As of now there is no fix in this post. If you find a fix, please share info about it
If your like me, you just recently bought yourself some form of adapter to plug your playstation dance pad into your pc. Upon use, you find that you cannot hold opposite arrows, otherwise it will not register a press. After research, you find that using the up+start+select should work, but it doesn't. The rest of the internet and these forums will tell you one of two things, either buy a new pad for usb, or buy a better adapter. After searching all over the interwebs, I found a script that will fix the axis problem for any dance pad that registers as a gamepad.
NOTE: I am not the creator of these scripts. I merely am transferring them here. They were originally on a forum post of the old stepmania website, and is not longer accessible from here.
Dance games this fix may not work on:
Dance games confirmed to work with this:
-StepMania 5 beta 3
1. Download the zip file from this link.
2. Extract the contents of the zip file somewhere easily accessible.
3. Download and install autohotkey from this website.
4. Plug in either one or two dance pads, and make sure all other gamepad devices are unplugged.
5. Run JoyKeyTest.exe
6. When prompted, insert '1' and click ok
7. Open SMAxisRemapV2.ahk in a text editor such as notepad
8. Stay off the pad, and look at the value labeled as 'x' in the window following your mouse. Insert this number in the text file next to 'J1None'
9. Now proceed to step on two opposite arrows at the same time. Again, look at the value labeled 'x' and input that into the text file next to 'J1Both'
~Steps 10-13: For dual dance pad only~
10. Exit JoyKeyTest by going to the notification area (lower right of windows), right clicking the green square with an H in it, and clicking 'exit'
11. Reopen JoyKeyTest.exe, and when prompted for input, type 2 and then click ok
12. Stay off of player pad, and look at the value labeled 'x'. Input that in the text file next to 'J2None'
13. Now step on two opposite arrows, and again look at the value labeled 'x'. Input that into the text file next to 'J2Both'
14. Save the text file, and close it and JoyKeyTest.
15. Open AutoHotKey from where it is installed. If there is no desktop shortcut, it is located in C:Program Files (x86)AutoHotKeyAutoHotKey.exe, or if Program Files (x86) does not exist, it will be in the same place but under Program Files instead.
16. Right click SMAxisRemapV2.ahk, then click Run Script
17. Open Stepmania and map the buttons. A slightly longer press may be required for it to register as a keyboard button and not a joypad axis, but once mapped correctly in Stepmania it will work perfectly in game. Simply use the audio sync setting in the options menu to make sure the timing is all accurate
It seems like a lot of steps, but that is due to me trying to explain everything well so that everyone can understand it
From testing, it seems that this fix does not like to work on OpenITG. As for anything older than stepmania 5 beta 3, I do not guarantee success. If your pad will not register in game as keyboard buttons (keypad up down left right etc.), then you may want to upgrade to stepmania 5 beta 3. Also, if you do find versions that do not support this fix, please reply and I will add them to the list at the top of this post.
~EDIT: 7/28/14~
If you are using a PS to PC adapter and it shows up as a twin joystick, there may be a driver that works for you.
NOTE: To use this driver, you need to have a 32 bit operating system.
1. Download and install this driver (only need one of the downloads, uploaded to two sites for redundancy)
2. Open control panel and navigate to game controllers (under devices and printers for newer OS's)
3. Right click 'Twin PS to PC adapter', then click gamepad settings (For winxp or older, this step is not necessary)
3. Double click on the 'Twin PS to PC adapter'
4. Under Function Test, set Mode Select to DancePad Mode.
Essentially, this fix does the same thing as the script, but it supports every dance game. Also, if you have a PS to PC adapter that has 2 controller ports, this will only support 1 pad at a time.
This fix is tested, and appears to work for any dance pad and any dance game, so long as you have a compatible PS to PC adapter and a 32 bit operating system. If you don't know what 32 bit is, then google is your friend.
These adapters are known to work with this fix:
~EDIT: 1/23/15~
The autohotkey script fix now seems to work for OpenITG. If it does not work for you, I believe I know why.
The default install location for OpenITG its in the program files folder (either Program Files or Program Files(x86) depending on if you have 32 or 64 bit OS). With the program installed there, many aspects of the game break. This includes its ability to save settings. Running it as administrator seems to fix some things, but still does not fully fix the problem. I know StepMania default installs to C:Games, so I tried installing OpenITG to that location as well. Lo and behold, the program fully functions and accepts the autohotkey fix script. Full functionality exists, even without running as administrator. I recommend installing to the new location, then moving over key folders from the previous install location (themes, songs, noteskins, data), and then finally deleting the old OpenITG folder in program files and its shortcuts on the desktop.
~EDIT: 6/8/15~
It appears there has been an update to Stepmania that will fix this automatically. It seems to not work for everyone however. I will continue to keep this up for those who either prefer to use OpenITG (like myself) or if the built in method doesn't work. Like my method, it will not work for certain pads some people seem to have that input as a HAT switch instead of an axis.
~EDIT: 12/9/15~
Apparently a fix has been found for PS3 dance pads, where the previous fixes I had usually didn't help. I haven't tested this fix yet because I don't have a PS3 dance pad. There already is a post for this by hCo, but I thought I would add it to this post as well. My plan with this post was to bring together fixes for any problem using a console pad on PC. So go say thanks on this post.
PS3 Fix Download
I will now also be creating a list of adapters that properly support dance pads and will either be plug and play or have easily accessible drivers. If updated drivers are possibly needed, links to those will be provided. Links to adapters will be to amazon.
MAYFLASH 3-IN-1 MAGIC JOY BOX | Drivers (Purchased and verified myself, drivers needed to enable dance pad support, only for PS2 pad)
Original Xbox also has support on this adapter, though you need to manually bind the device and the driver for it to detect the controller at all. But once you do, it does have a DDR mode, which I will be posting instructions on all of that sometime soon (not tonight, because I just got it working and need to head to bed). So if you do have an old original xbox pad lying around, you can also use that.

Last edited: 13 December 2015 2:56am

Ddr Pad For Pc

Check out my website:

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